Last week, I made another visit to the Greenmarket and found an even better plant vendor than last time. The prices were also more reasonable, I suppose due to the timing of the season. All along, I wanted a third plant, but I couldn't decide what. I knew basil and oregano were definite, but the third was a wildcard. Mint? Parsley? Chives? I'm not sure what I'd use more. As I picked out a couple small pots of basil and oregano, I also looked for inspiration on a third herb (I knew I had room for only 3 on the kitchen window sill). Then I looked down. On the ground, there were several pre-planted window gardens, the smaller of them each containing 3 herbs. As I perused the offerings, I thought, "What are the odds any of these will have both basil and oregano?" (after oregano being surprisingly unpopular among vendors the first time around). As I was finishing the thought, I spotted it! The 3rd herb? Thyme. Why hadn't *I* thought of that? Perfect.
They've already grown several inches since being home. So, if anyone has ideas on what to do with an abundance of any of these (especially basil), clearly, I'm in need of a harvest or two. Expect a sunflower seed pesto soon and, if I can find some worthy tomatoes, a few nice, fat caprese salads. I already add them to egg dishes, stir fries, risotto, pasta, and anything else that could use a dose of extra flavor. Sadly, strawberry basil martinis are pretty much out. Hmmm.... I may try some basil-infused iced tea, however.

And, now, because I can't get the song out of my head, I share it with you (complete with muppets)...

And, now, because I can't get the song out of my head, I share it with you (complete with muppets)...
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