Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Healthy-ish Junk

I was in one of those junk food kind of moods today. I wanted pizza. I wanted ice cream. I wanted to shovel chips into my mouth. I did just that, but in very limited quantities. Luckily, I'm not a big chocoholic, or it would have undoubtedly been one of those days, too.

Fasting glucose (morning): 86
Exercise: Walked for an hour and a half with an increasingly heavy load of groceries with each spot (starting with the produce market, which was the heaviest haul)

Half Smart Bran, half Kashi Island Vanilla with Vanilla Soy Slender soy milk

A small (5 chips) serving of Terra's new Exotic Harvest chips (heavy on the carrots) with plain yogurt.

Small cheese pizza with low fat cheese and 100% whole grain crust (next time I'll bake it rather than microwave- the cheese melted into the sauce and the crust texture was obviously that of having been microwaved)
Salad with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and balsamic vinaigrette

Afternoon snack:
Low fat, sugar-free Breyers ice cream with fresh strawberries

Turkey, tomato basil hummus, tomato, lettuce on light multi-grain bread and a handful of baby carrots


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