Sunday, June 13, 2010

Woo Hoo!

I stepped on the scale first thing this morning and, happily, have lost the 2 pounds I gained over Birthday Extravaganza Week 2010. I'm back to where I left off.

I also took a look at my blood glucose level (fasting, of course): 82!! That's the lowest I've been yet!! Wow. If I could do cartwheels without landing on my rear, I would. Go me!

I was actually a little curious about my sugar, eating right before I went to bed. Well after my post last night, I got a bit of a sweet tooth and was a little hungry, so I poured a 6 oz. container of strawberry yogurt (Light and Fit) into a bowl and topped it with a diced nectarine. I also added a little soy whip on top, just for a little extra decadence. I'm happy that didn't even cause so much as a blip! I do know that protein alone later in the evening generally helps, so I'm guessing it was the yogurt in play here.

Okay, I'm off to have some breakfast and head out for the day. I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday!


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