I've been going through one of those "what does it maaaatter?" slumps. I've been stagnant on the weight loss and my sugar is up from my previous over-achiever status, though actually more on target for the daily goal (which is 100, fasting). I want to get my sugar down again, though, and ultimately see about going off medication entirely at some point. I know I can beat this.
So, here I am, less than 2 weeks from my next doctor appointment. I'm doing my best to get things in better control and shed a few more pounds beforehand. It's not like I've been pigging out on burgers and shakes every day, but I probably haven't been as watchful as I should.
For the most part, unless I go somewhere crazy-far, I'm trying to only use my Metro Card in one direction, then walking home. It adds up. I want to do this. I NEED to do this. Color me motivated.
Fasting blood glucose (morning): 102
Scrambled egg whites and a pumpkin muffin
Roasted peanuts (3 oz.)
Tuna salad with light mayo on Rye Vita Light Crackers and carrots
Cinnamon Graham Crackers (3 small crackers)
Leftover tilapia and 3-grain blend, with a side of sauteed spinach
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