Friday, June 22, 2012

CSA Box #3

This week's haul:
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Kohlrabi
  • Hakuri (Japanese salad turnips- white)
  • Cilantro
The produce we've been getting has all been really great! I highly recommend Early Morning Farm, if you're in the area (I have no connection to them, other than being a member, just spreading the love). If a CSA is too much of a commitment, they're also at the Ithaca Farmer's Market.

I'm especially looking forward to some kale chips and kohlrabi (not necessarily in one sitting). Now that we have some great herbs going in our garden, I can bring even more freshness to the table. It looks like we have a few tomatoes getting ready to pop soon, too! Two of them are already beyond the mature green stage and yellowing (even better- they're yellow tomatoes, so hopefully don't have terribly far to go). Maybe the peppers will follow their lead.

I'm somewhat bummed we didn't get more peas this week (words I didn't ever anticipate being part of my vocabulary). Last week's were delicious! We still have a handful left, but I think I'll probably just have them for a snack. We already have a plan to plant some here for a fall harvest, if the weather cooperates.


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