We have a tiny little garden. It started as a little back stair herb garden last year and has pretty much tripled. It's mostly herbs, along with a few varieties of tomatoes and peppers, for now. We spent the afternoon repotting and reorganizing. We'd intended on cleaning up along the side of the house, but ran into our landlord (who's also our neighbor) who said she'd already planned on clearing it out for us :-) Hooray, especially since we'd gotten a later start on the day than we'd planned.
So, while we were out for dinner and listening to one of our favorite local bands, she busily (and awesomely) did some clearing and pruning to get us some more sunlight.
When we got home, we noticed she left us a little something. We have a little wild strawberry patch growing! We already have some fruit waiting for us. Neat! I'd already been thinking about planting some smaller fruit, strawberries being a front runner, so glad Mother Nature was looking out for us. I had many cool things happen while living in Manhattan; an accidental strawberry patch certainly wasn't ever one of them.
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