With the big bunch of celery this week and plenty of onions and carrots on-hand, I'm planning on making a large vat of chicken stock over the weekend. I usually use vegetable stock as my go-to, but I have 3 chicken spines in the freezer (we typically break down whole chickens ourselves, rather than buying pieces), so I'm going with what I have on-hand. It's an excellent way to use up any vegetables that may be on the edge and need to be used soon. It's easy, incredibly cheap and can add a quick shot flavor to just about anything.
This week's haul:
- potatoes: a mix of red and what look like young russets
- leeks
- green jalapeƱos
- sweet Italian red peppers
- celery
- arugula
- spinach
- *mystery green-- This one wasn't on our list and I have no idea what it is. I'll have to post a picture at some point to see if anyone knows what it is. It's peppery/bitter, similar to arugula, but isn't baby arugula (I looked up photos to make sure). We made pasta with it last night, though, and it tasted very good.
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